Digital Dermatoglyphics Distribution in Fertile and Infertile Women

Joseph B Dare, Thomas Kehinde Adenowo, Ibrahim Wada


The study aimed at examining differences in digital dermatoglyphics distribution between fertile and infertile women in Abuja, Nigeria. A total of 222 women with 53 clinical cases of primary infertility were included in this study. Dermatoglyphic patterns of the distal phalanges were obtained for further analyses of quantitative and qualitative traits. The results showed a lower incidence of loop patterns (55%), and a higher incidence of arches (7%) and whorls (29%) in infertile women than in fertile ones. Infertile women showed a unique and specific digital pattern distribution on each of the fingers on the right and left hand. A significant decrease in ridge count (RC), total finger ridge count (TFRC) and absolute finger ridge count (AFRC) was observed in the infertile patients (p<0.05) in relation to fertile women. 2D:4D index in infertile and fertile women was 0.95 and 0.85 respectively. The observed differences in the digital traits could provide a useful bio-indicator for genetic counselling among reproductive age women.


doi: 10.5671/ca.46.2.2


Dermatoglyphics traits, Infertility, Female, Bio-indicator and Fingers

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