Defining Policy for Management of Occupational Health, Safety at Work and Environmental Protection in order to Manage the Crisis in a Business Organization
A precondition for effective crisis management in the field of health, safety and environmental protection (OHS&E) that can arise in a business organization is a properly defined policy of business organization. Management policies in health protection, safety at work and environmental protection is a framework for action and setting general and specific objectives of the protection of health, safety at work and environmental protection. It is a set of rules, guidelines, and procedures that define how to make the business system safe and to protect its human, technical, technological and other values. Policy management system must include goals related to the constant improvement of health, safety and environmental protection, depending on the identified hazards and risks. In defining OHS&E policy it must be taken in account the fact that it is appropriate for the nature and scale of risks, which involve potential crises.
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