Analysis of Lower Third Molar Eruption in Chinese Females Throughout the Holocene
Objective: To analyze lower third molar (M3) eruption and changing trends among Holocene female populations in China. Methods: M3 was categorized into 3 types: full eruption, full impaction and/or absence, and partial impaction. We compared M3 eruption rates of the three types across the Holocene eras (48 samples from the Neolithic Age; 128 samples from the Bronze and Iron Age; and 26 samples from the Present Age) to look for changing trends. Results: The rate of fully erupted M3s has steadily declined over time, while the prevalence of fully impacted and/or absent M3s has increased. Conclusion: The decline in the frequency of fully erupted M3s throughout time may be linked to the evolution of more refined diets and less robust masticatory organs.
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